Ready Player One

May 10, 2018

This is the first post describing what I have being doing since the starting of the community boding period. There will be one post every wednesday, starting next week, describing what I did the previous week and having links to all the necessary resources to track the project.

Community Bonding (April 23rd - May 10th)

The community bonding period lasts from 23rd April - 13th April. During this time, I had to understand how the community works and how I should participate in the discussions that happen. This time also has to be used to setup clear line of communication with the Mentors and the community.

Since the start of the community bonding period, I’ve had 2 meetings with my mentor, Jesus on Wednesday, 9th May (11:00 am CEST)(transcripts) and Thursday, 3rd May (18:00 pm CEST) (It was a voice call on Zoom so transcripts are unavailable). We Discussed about the general infrastructure and how to proceed with the project.

We talked about the formalities needed to be completed (creation of a blog, repository where work can be published, creating rough plan of what has to be accomplished) before the coding period starts. Apart from that, I’ve created this notebook which will be tracking all the GMD metrics functions and visualizations for manuscripts.

The repository will act as where all information and files related to the GSoC work will be published and description will be updated. I also read the documentation of and experimented with Vega and the various libaries that can be used along with Vega for visualizations. The discussion about the Visualising the metrics better can be found in this issue.

We also discussed about what structural changes have to be made to manuscripts and how to approach adding code to manuscripts. The issue regarding addition of code can be found here.

In the coming weeks, I have to mainly focus on completing the GMD metrics for chaoss and visualising them using JupyterLab.